vFlat is committed to protecting the rights of copyright holders and fair use of users by referring to the Korean Copyright Act and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). This document will guide you through how to report copyright infringement and how to file objections against disabled posts.

I Want To Report Material That Infringes On Copyright

Before filing a Copyright Infringement Report

vFlat only accepts and processes copyright infringement reports filed by the copyright owner himself/herself and his/her official agent. If you are unsure whether you own the rights to a particular work, you should first seek professional advice.

It is also recommended that you check whether the post can be considered fair use before submitting a copyright infringement report. A work may be used without the permission of the copyright holder if it does not conflict with the normal usage of the work and does not unreasonably injure the legitimate interests of the author. Whether a particular work use case is fair use is finally determined by the court of law, in which the following four factors are considered: 1) The purpose and nature of the use; 2) the nature of the copied work; 3) the amount and substantiality of the copied work; 4) the effect of the use of the work on the present market or value or potential market or value of the work.

The copyright infringement report you submit may be sent to the person who posted the content, or to a third party if it is necessary to verify the validity of the reported content. Please note that false statements in the report may result in liability for damages (including litigation costs and attorneys' fees).

Report of Copyright Infringement

Copyright infringement reports can be sent to the e-mail below:

Please use the following header in front of the title of e-mail.

Please include the contents below in the mail body:

  1. Name and Contact Information
  2. Relationship with Copyright Holder
  3. Reporting Target URL